Parent Consulting
Once your child has been diagnosed with a learning disability we help parents become advocates and educate them on services mandated by law. We will work together, we will develop a strategic plan for you to interact directly with your child’s school based on a combination of parental understanding of your child needs and with the experience and skills of an educational advocate.
Direct Advocacy Service
Attend IEP meeting with families. Work and advocate with IEP team members at the meeting. Direct preparation for and attendance at parent meetings with schools.
IEP Review and Analysis
This is a full review and analysis of the IEP, evaluations, FBA/BIP and other related educational documents. After the review has been completed, a consultation is available with the advocate to answer any questions and discuss any recommendations.
“ In these days, it is doubtful that any child may reasonably be expected to succeed in life if he is denied the opportunity of an education.”
- Brown vs. Board of Education - 1954